About us

The Chair for Metals and Alloys
was founded in June 1997 at the Faculty of Engineering Science at the University of Bayreuth. The main tasks are university education, research and technology transfer.
An important part of the institute is to train engineers with an international orientation. Contacts to international institutes enable our students and PhD students to gain experiences abroad.
In addition to the university education, we provide an apprenticeship as a "Materials Tester, Field: Metalworking".
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Research and Technoloy Transfer
The Chair for Metals and Alloys maintains a close contact to industrial companies. The goal is to make process technologies applicable and to implement the experimental and theoretical results in marketable products.
The main focus ranges from knowledge-oriented fundamental reserach and industry related research to contract research. Key topics are high temperature alloys, lightweight construction, laser metallurgy, additive manufacturing, joining technologies, structure analysis, modelling and simulation of metallic microstructures and material testings .
For this purpose, the chair has a state-of-the-art equipment and central facilities (metallography/laboratories).
For further questions or professional advice - also regarding patents and funding proposals - please contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Glatzel or Dr.-Ing. Rainer Völkl.